Breakfast, lunch, dinner… know which millets are more beneficial to eat at what time.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner… know which millets are more beneficial to eat at what time.

Millets Benefits: Millets i.e. coarse grains are rich in many nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fiber, iron, protein and gluten-free, which are considered beneficial in many ways. Eating these helps control diabetes, reduce weight and increases energy. Not only this, it can also be very helpful in making the heart healthy. Jowar, millet and ragi are included in millets only. Experts also consider millets very good. It is recommended to keep it in the diet. However, one can never eat any millets. You have to take special care of your diet especially in summer. So if you are eating millets to stay healthy in summers, then it is also important to know that some are more beneficial in breakfast and some in lunch. Let us know which millets should be eaten when…


According to experts, it is best to eat millet, also known as ragi, when you have breakfast in the morning. It is rich in calcium, iron and fiber. By eating these, the body’s energy is maintained and weight also remains under control. Due to the presence of fiber, they also keep the stomach full for a long time.

Best Millets for Lunch

It is good to eat millet for lunch. They are gluten free and rich in protein, fiber and antioxidants. Amino acids are also found in abundance in these. Eating millet roti and khichdi in lunch is a good option. This keeps hunger satiated and blood sugar also remains under control.

Best Millets for Dinner

Kangni can be included in the dinner. An excellent source of complex fiber, Kangni digests the food easily. You can prepare pulao, upma and many other dishes from it and eat it. This can be good for the overall body.

How to consume millets

1. Millets roti is very healthy. Eating this keeps the stomach full and helps in controlling weight.

2. Millets Khichdi is quite healthy. It is made by mixing pulses, vegetables and spices.

3. Millets Pulao is also considered quite healthy.

4. You can make idli, upma, desserts and eat millets. This will not increase obesity.

5. Drinking millets soup is beneficial. It contains many types of vegetables and spices.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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